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DTx: There isn’t a Payer Easy Button

blog post Feb 09, 2020

One article in my series about Digital Therapeutics after interviews with CEOs in the new category.

Companies are looking for the Payer “Easy Button.” They’re hoping for one roadmap…one way, to get an agreement with a payer and be able to rinse wash and repeat.

Unfortunately, there isn’t one. Payers don’t have one roadmap that they all use, it’s a collection of factors that they consider. While they all consider the same factors, they attenuate the importance of them based on their company goals. To understand those priorities, manufacturers must build relationships with payer representatives and understand how decisions are made.  Some are financially driven and others are clinically driven. As you can imagine, politics can also be at play. You must create a flexible story that describes the clinical and economic value you bring to the market as a whole, and to their individual business.

Looking for one standard roadmap for your payer interactions you will be focusing on the wrong thing. If you keep trying to create a strategy or methodology that isn’t flexible to the needs of your customers, you won’t have the right materials to present a story that matches customer needs. I’ve seen even the biggest companies launch products and see adoption stall or never get started because they couldn’t be flexible with this customer

There is a flexible format that you can provide to payers and health systems.  A comprehensive value dossier can be built to answer all their questions. I’ve perfected a framework to deliver a story that resonates with all payers. Contact me to learn how we can build it together.

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