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MedTech + Mindset Newsletter #013

newsletter Aug 15, 2022

Welcome to the MedTech + Mindset Newsletter! 

This week we talk about M+M Cohorts, Learnings from a New Kind of KOL Strategy, The M+M Moment and How to Observe - Not Absorb.

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Brought to you by MedTech + Mindset Cohorts

The Pitch Deck Accelerator (starting Monday, September 12) is designed for a founding team to build materials for funding discussions that is purpose-built to address the challenging dynamics of the Medtech industry.

If you have an interest in discussing a closed cohort dedicated to your team or organization, reply to this email to set up a discussion.

Have a question? Reply to this email.

BONUS: Use the code (COHORT) at checkout for 20% discount when you register.

This discount EXPIRES at MIDNIGHT tomorrow.


1. My New KOL Journey

Honestly, I've been fortunate.  Key Opinion Leader cultivation and strategy has previously been a big part of brand and portfolio strategy for me.  

And because of that, I've always had budget for it.  I could fly people in for a meeting...have a nicely organized and catered meeting...get some feedback, and pay everyone for their time.

But my latest role is a different ballgame all together.  Military docs can't take compensation...and I don't get the impression they would if they could.

They have less opportunities to travel...appear to be buried with patients even more than private or employed clinicians.

So I've made two big changes to drive engagement.

Transparency and Directness

  • Instead of big meetings, I'm doing 1:1 calls.
  • Instead of payments, I'm working harder at driving excitement about how we can all collaborate to help patients.
  • Instead of mystery, I'm being fully transparent about our priorities and plans
  • Instead of defending decisions, I'm giving context for why they were made, and what we're planning to improve
  • Instead of using them to sell for us, I'm using them to give insights so our new sales staff has the messages perfected and knows what objections are likely to come up.

It's different...but it's also fun and challenging.  And it's been effective.  The clinicians are being open with us, but also patient, as they understand where we are in our journey - and where we are trying to improve.

Where is an area where you could take a different approach than you have in the past?

2. Time to Take a 'Moment'

Insight from Matt Tucker

Last week we launched the Medtech+Mindset Moment. In case you missed any, see below. They are listed in order of popularity based on Impressions.

  1. Observe don't Absorb - 1400 views
  2. Using PR to push past hurdles - 1100 views
  3. Everyone is getting funded but me! - 1100 views
  4. A different type of check-in - 950 views
  5. High vs. Low Performers - 850 views
  6. Open Minded Pitches - 600 views
  7. Nothing Sells Itself - 300 views


If a 'Moment' really speaks to you, please comment and share the vibes on your page.


3.  Taking More Than A Moment...Observe, Don't Absorb.

Insight from Matt Tucker

Where did the 'Observe don't Absorb' Moment come from?

It came from experiences I've had all my life...and the reaction I've experienced to a lot of stressful situations.

Who knows when it started, who knows why...frankly who cares.

We've all had bad experiences in meetings when a participant would unexpectedly get angry or annoyed and I felt was pointed in my direction.

Maybe they didn't like my answer, maybe they didn't agree, maybe they wanted me to just do what they said, maybe they didn't like my shirt.

But when that anger or irritation came my way - I absorbed.

I'd immediately ask myself what I did wrong to cause their reaction.  I could feel a heightened level of alertness, a stress response, and nervousness.

As I got older and more experienced, I was able to hide it - at least most of the time. 

But a coach and advisor last year, after I mentioned this experience said - observe, don't absorb.

She said, "That's their energy and it's not for you to take on.  You didn't cause their moods or reactions.  It's theirs.  So just observe it and don't absorb it."

But there's also an amplifier to this, when you become great at just observing.

When you're in that situation, and you've learned to not absorb it...

Call it out.  Name it.  Out loud.  

'You seem annoyed.' 

'You seem frustrated.'

'You seem _______.'

It's powerful.  And it can create powerful resolutions and clear communication by lowering the emotion and temperature in the room.


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Who is MedTech + Mindset? We’re committed to providing the best information, strategies, and tactics to advance your product and career. We ignore the pablum, listicles and clickbait and only share high-quality, vetted, and actionable commercialization content.

That's it for this week.

 — Your Friends at the M+M Team.

MedTech + Mindset is part of the CreateNext Group, which also publishes 


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