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MedTech + Mindset Newsletter #016

newsletter Aug 29, 2022

Welcome to the MedTech + Mindset Newsletter!

This week we talk about a Reflection I had this weekend and a way to understand and convey the impact a disease or condition has on a patient.

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1. Patient Impact

Insight from Matt Tucker

Trying to grow a medical product can be challenging because there are disconnected decision makers.

The person who decides the therapy is the clinician, even though its the patient experiencing the impact of the condition. Additionally, because a payer is most often footing the bill, they end up having an oversight role without the full context.

One of the scariest things I saw at Highmark Health was the lack of decision makers who truly understood the impact of a particular condition on a patient and their family.

This means it's critical as professionals in this space to help pain the picture, when they aren't educated or emotionally invested.

This isn't just important for sales conversations with customers, however.

It's important to tell these stories to investors, so they can understand it too.

So, how do I do it?

I spend time digging into four things:

  • A patient's pain and frustrations
  • The fears and implications brought out by those pains
  • Their goals and desires
  • And then their dreams and aspirations

By the time I've dug into these four areas and had conversations with patients directly about these four categories, I usually know enough to crystalize what it's like for a patient to navigate their condition.

And this helps me create an impactful conversation that helps establish a need for change with my audience.

2. Reflections

Insight from Matt Tucker

This Labor Day was a little different than normal holidays for our family. Now that 3 are in High School, and one in 8th Grade, there are more activities than there used to be.

There were 2 track meets, 1 sleep over, 1 birthday dinner, 1 birthday brunch, one concert with friends, two regular dates, and one psuedo-date. All this, and lots of carpooling.

Frankly, it a normal weekend.

Just with an extra day of running around.

And looking back, I have to say that I don't think it was good. These breaks are there to help us. To make sure we reflect. Make sure we spend time with family. Make sure we break up the monotony.

And this year we didn't do it...

And I can tell you that the impact is seen on the faces of every one in our family as they go back to work or go back to school today.

So, what's the insight?

Don't fill a holiday with normal weekly or daily activities.

Take time with family and don't let the typical routine to dominate it.

Disconnecting is important, breaking the routine is important, being with family is important, being with friends is important.

Action item: Start planning now how you can maximize Thanksgiving!


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Who is MedTech + Mindset? We’re committed to providing the best information, strategies, and tactics to advance your product and career. We ignore the pablum, listicles and clickbait and only share high-quality, vetted, and actionable commercialization content.

That's it for this week.

 — Your Friends at the M+M Team.

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