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MedTech + Mindset Newsletter #017

newsletter Sep 11, 2022

Welcome to the MedTech + Mindset Newsletter!

This week we're making a request for feedback, Medtech+Mindset Moment Rankings, and digging into the most popular one.

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This week's Medtech+Mindset Newsletter is brought to you by The Ten Medtech Commandments Paperback and Kindle Editions on


1. What would you like to hear more of? Request for Feedback

Insight from Matt Tucker

We're 17 weeks into the Medtech+Mindset Newsletter and we're looking to continuously improve.

So, we'd like to hear from you. In an effort to give you more of what you want, we'd love it if you'd reply to this email and give us a little feedback to tell us what you're enjoying and even what you wished would go away.

Some starter questions...

  • What types of our content to you find the most valuable?
  • What do you wish we would do less of?
  • Have you previously taken a look at any of our sponsors or sponsored offers to see if they are right for you?
  • Would you like to see more or less detailed Medtech content?
  • Would you like to see more or less Mindset information?

Again...just reply to this email and give us your thoughts. Only that way, can we make this content hit home for you more often.


2. Medtech+Mindset Moment Recap

Insight from Matt Tucker

Below are the most recent Medtech+Mindset Moments ranked in order of views. If you missed any of them, hop in and take a look!

Are you of service - 550

Not a matter of life or death - 300

Get to advanced techniques – 272

Carrots and Sticks – 215

Rank and Solve – 200


3. Reflections on the Top Moment - Being of Service

Insight from Matt Tucker

If you're in sales or marketing, your customers should always be your top priority. You need to understand their needs and the challenges they face in order to provide them with the best possible service. This means dropping all activities that try to convince the customer, and instead focusing on being of service and helping them overcome their challenges. By doing this, you can develop a long-term relationship with the customer built on trust and commitment.

The First Step: Understanding the Customer's Needs.  The first step in providing excellent customer service is understanding the customer's needs. This means taking the time to listen to their concerns and needs, without trying to sell them anything. Only by understanding what the customer is looking for can you provide them with the best possible service.

The Second Step: Dropping All Activities that Try to Convince. The second step is dropping all activities that try to convince the customer of anything. This includes convincing them that they need your product or service, or that your product is better than others on the market. Instead, focus on being of service and helping them overcome their challenges. By taking this approach, you build trust with the customer and show that you have their best interests at heart.

The Third Step: focus on being of Service. Finally, focus on being of service to help the customer overcome their challenges. This includes providing them with information, resources, and support that will help them solve their problems. If your product or service is a good match for their needs, they will see it themselves and will be more committed to a long-term relationship. However, if there isn't a match between you and the customer, that's ok! You now know that this customer isn't a target you need to spend time with.

In conclusion, remember that your customers should always be your top priority. Digging in to understand their needs and challenges is the first critical step in providing them with excellent customer service. Once you understand their needs, drop all activities that try to convince them of anything, and instead focus on being of service to help them overcome their challenges. By following these steps, you can build trust and commitment with your customers which will lead to a more sustainable business from your customers.


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Who is MedTech + Mindset? We’re committed to providing the best information, strategies, and tactics to advance your product and career. We ignore the pablum, listicles and clickbait and only share high-quality, vetted, and actionable commercialization content.

That's it for this week.

 — Your Friends at the M+M Team.

MedTech + Mindset is part of the CreateNext Group, which also publishes 



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