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MedTech + Mindset Newsletter #023

newsletter Oct 24, 2022

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This week's Medtech+Mindset Newsletter is brought to you by Medtech+Mindset Courses.   

We've launched two new courses:

The Medtech Pitch Deck Accelerator

The Perfect Presentation to a Payer or Provider Network

Take a look at each of these informative, action oriented, and thought provoking educational tools.



1. Behavioral Segmentation as it relates to adoption time, usage growth, and required evidence 

I've had a few conversations about adoption, why it's hard, how long it takes, and what the best approach is this week.


So I recorded a micro training with some *potentially* new ideas.


Take a watch! It's less than 5 minutes.


2. Ten Reasons Why You Should Take the Leap and Speak at an Industry Conference

Insight from Matt Tucker

This week I'm speaking at the Medtech Conference by ADVAMED in Boston. I thought this might be timely and inspire you to do the same.

  1. It's great for networking
  2. It improves your public speaking skills
  3. It boosts your CV
  4. It strengthens your reputation
  5. You can drive interest and engagement on your LinkedIn
  6. Acts as proof of your knowledge
  7. Gives you access to decision makers
  8. Increases your visibility
  9. Helps you learn what you don't know or don't know confidently
  10. Develops your confidence


3. How Far Do You Want to Take Yourself?

Insight from Matt Tucker

I'm not a big fan of Nick Saban. He came to speak at a meeting once when I was at Mylan. It was underwhelming. And if I'm being honest, I'm not really a big fan of any college or professional football coaches. Maybe it's from bad memories of PE growing up in Texas.

But I am a big fan of this



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Who is MedTech + Mindset? We’re committed to providing the best information, strategies, and tactics to advance your product and career. We ignore the pablum, listicles and clickbait and only share high-quality, vetted, and actionable commercialization content.

That's it for this week.

 — Your Friends at the M+M Team.

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